Art of Fencing, Art of Life

Tag: Holidays

Valentine’s Day, Love, and Swordfighting Duels

We all know that the safe and thrilling sport fencing that we know and love today grew out of the art of swordfighting. On this Valentine’s Day, we’d like to walk you through some of the great sword duels of the past that weren’t for points, but were instead for love! These stories showcase just how fierce sword battles could be, but take note that swordfighting duels (unlike duels involving guns) were generally not fatal, but those that gained a great deal of fame were more likely to end unfortunately for one or the other.

Why Fencing Moms are the BEST

Why Fencing Moms are the BESTIt’s nearly Mother’s Day, a day to celebrate and honor those strong and powerful women who guide us through life. Mom’s are truly something special.

Some would say that fencing moms are extraordinary, even for moms, and here are just some of the reasons why.

●    Professional Level Driving Skills

Uber really should send all of its drivers out to take lessons from fencing moms – who are at once timely, courteous and can find their way around literally any city. People talk about soccer moms and hockey moms, but these folks have obviously never seen fencing moms in action. These incredible women will drive you to competitions on time, carry those heavy bags and remind you to sleep on the way back. They don’t need to check their GPS constantly because they researched the best route the night before, and they have a mystical knowledge of the best hours to drive in order to have the least traffic, with internal shortcuts that would make a cabbie blush. And of course they can park any size vehicle that’s full of swords in a tiny spot with no problem.

Thank you fencing moms, for keeping us safe and timely on the road.

●    Quick Learners

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