
Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Art of Fencing, Art of Life


How to Learn Right of Way/Priority

How to Learn Right of Way/Priority

Many parents are eager to learn Right of Way. It takes a lot of practice! Even the world's most famous fencing parents do not always get it. I do believe that, with time, most experienced fencing parents start understanding the concept a little bit. However, they have...

How Fencing is Like a College Degree

How Fencing is Like a College Degree

What’s the point of going to college? There is a great debate about the merits of going to college, whether all of the money and time is worth the piece of paper that you get at the end. Is a degree really worth all of that? This might even be a conversation that...

Best Fencing Blogs of 2020

Best Fencing Blogs of 2020

When we look for information and guidance, the first place we almost always go today is the internet. Blogs give us concise, focused insight into specific subjects like fencing from lots of different points of view. The variety is part of the appeal. This is a unique...

12 Disadvantages of Fencing

12 Disadvantages of Fencing

Nothing is perfect. As much as we love fencing, there are downsides and disadvantages to everything in life. Sure, we’d like to believe that fencing is the most worthwhile and amazing sport among all other sports, but we all know that it’s not perfect. Now, we know...

Igor’s Debut Thriller

The Rise of American Fencing

AFM Named #1 Fencing Blog in the World!



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