
Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Art of Fencing, Art of Life


Recalibrating as you Age in Fencing

Recalibrating as you Age in Fencing

Age is truly a relative thing. When you are a little kid, you can’t wait to be a teenager. When you’re a teenager, you can’t wait to be an adult. When you’re an adult, you wonder why your childhood and teenage self were in such a hurry to rush through to adulthood. ...

Starting Fencing as an Adult: Why It’s Worth It

Recently we received a lot of calls from adults inquiring about starting fencing. Is that even possible, they asked, isn't this a skill that you must learn in your childhood to be able to be even remotely good? Can you compete as an adult? The answer is simple - it's...

Ownership and Responsibility as Fencers

Ownership and Responsibility as Fencers

Silhouetted electricity pylon grid Who owns your performance in fencing?  How much responsibility does your coach/club/family have for your success? What responsibility does the fencer have to their club, to their fellow fencers, to their support network, and to...

September 10 is World Fencing Day! How to Celebrate

September 10 is World Fencing Day! How to Celebrate

Fencing is not just a sport that we love, it’s a sport that we live. World Fencing Day is a fantastic moment to celebrate fencing and to join the wider fencing community. This year, it falls on September 10, 2022, and we’re incredibly excited to have a reason to share...

Daring Greatly – The Man in the Arena

Daring Greatly – The Man in the Arena

On a recent quiet night, I found myself reading a book by Michael Dell called Play Nice but Win, in which he quoted Theodore Roosevelt. Though I stumbled upon this quote many years ago, for some reason it resonated with me in a different way than before.  It is not...

Igor’s Debut Thriller

The Rise of American Fencing

AFM Named #1 Fencing Blog in the World!



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