
Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Art of Fencing, Art of Life


Coronavirus and Fencing – Real Steps You Can Take

Coronavirus and Fencing – Real Steps You Can Take

Coronavirus is a big thing right now. It’s everywhere. You hear talks, you hear concerns, you have fear. It’s real panic, with people genuinely worried about the outcome and the safety of their families. It’s spread so quickly that it’s hard not to feel out of control...

Relaxation Techniques for Fencers

Relaxation Techniques for Fencers

We hear a lot of people in athletics talking about psyching themselves into competition. There’s that competition mindset, the one that is supposed to propel us to the big wins. What if it’s not all about pushing the mind and body hard? Balance is the key to...

Injury Downtime in Fencing

Injury Downtime in Fencing

Injuries are unavoidable in any sport, not just in fencing. When you’re using your body, things are going to happen to it. Generally these things are along the lines of pulled muscles, sprained ankles, or simple broken bones. Bruises in any sport are unavoidable, just...

A Fencing Routine for Far Flung Competitions

A Fencing Routine for Far Flung Competitions

How you warm up and get ready for a competition is individual, but figuring out how to maximize your fencing routine for far flung competitions isn’t necessarily easy. It’s always good for fencers to have some kind of structure to any kind of training, whether it’s at...

Is Fencing a Violent Sport?

Is Fencing a Violent Sport?

Swords. Duels. Battle. What’s the deal with fencing and violence? How is it that a sport that has its origins on the bloody battlefields of Europe considered safe for elementary school children to participate in? How can you put a sword in the hands of a child and say...

Igor’s Debut Thriller

The Rise of American Fencing

AFM Named #1 Fencing Blog in the World!



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