Art of Fencing, Art of Life

Tag: Tips from a fencing Mom Page 2 of 7

How and Why to Mark Your Fencing Gear

How-and-Why-to-Mark-Your-Fencing-GearWhat’s the number 1 reason for buying a new piece of fencing gear? If you’re a fencing parent then you probably know the answer already.  It’s not because it wears out, or because they outgrow it, though those certainly do happen occasionally. The number 1 reason for buying a new piece of fencing gear is far and away because kids loose their stuff.

I cannot even count how many times gloves, foils, masks, jackets, body cords and even sometimes knickers get lost.

Why does fencing gear get lost?

Tips for Halloween Fencing Costumes

tips-for-halloween-fencing-costumes-2 It’s almost that time again! Trick or treating, spooky stories, candied apples, and TONS OF COSTUMES! We just love Halloween. It’s  time of year when you can be anything that you want to be,  do anything that you want to do (within reason), and in general just have a fantastic time of camaraderie within the community.

So you love fencing, and you want to take that passion right out into this fantastic holiday. Of course you do, because fencing is pretty amazing stuff. But it’s really not enough just to throw on your fencing gear and go prancing around down the lane – you naturally want to take it up a level to the next notch and really bring something amazing to the sidewalk this year.

Never fear! We’re here to help!

Why I pay so much money for fencing

why-i-pay-so-much-money-for-fencingSports in general and fencing in particular can be an expensive venture for families to embark on. There are the lessons to pay for, the equipment to buy, the travel to consider, the competition fees, the uniforms, the nights eating out when there’s not time to make it home before practice, on and on.

So why should parents put all of this into a sport for a child? And why fencing in particular? Here’s a clue: it’s not so that they can learn to swing a sword. This whole thing isn’t about what the sport is, it’s about something far deeper. Here are the reasons that we believe in spending precious resources on fencing.

6 Ways to Make Weekdays Easier for Fencing Families

6 Ways to Make Weekdays Easier for Fencing FamiliesMaking everything happen during the week can be a challenge for fencing families, in no small part because the days start early and the nights can go long, and competition weekends can make it all even worse. There are always ways to improve, things that we can do to make it easier and less stressful for the family. Here are some things that we’ve found to work for us.

What I Wish I’d Known on My First Day of Fencing

What I wish I’d known on my first day of Fencing2It’s truly amazing how this journey into fencing rolls us forward and takes us to new places, on new journeys and into things that we’d never thought of. Getting going in this sport means reaching out and learning, as well as the incredible accomplishment that pushes us forward onto the life beyond the strip.

There are some things that I wish that I could go back and tell myself from those first days holding a fencing sword.       

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