
Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Art of Fencing, Art of Life

Victory, Change, and Paris 2024 with Grand Prix Champion Yuval Freilich

Victory, Change, and Paris 2024 with Grand Prix Champion Yuval Freilich

Almost four years ago, we interviewed rising star in epee Yuval Freilich, who at the time had just won his first Gold medal at the European Championships. At the time, we wrote that it would not be the last time you would hear from him, and that we predicted he would be a force in the world of epee over the next several years. Flash forward to Doha, Qatar, earlier this month and the 2024 Grand Prix and Yuval once again took the top of the podium. This Gold medal finish takes him one step...

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The Measuring Mentality – How Constant Calculations Hurt Youth Fencers

The Measuring Mentality – How Constant Calculations Hurt Youth Fencers

Before kids are even born, we’re bombarded with the idea that everything has to be measured. How long is the baby during each sonogram? How many times did they kick in the last 24 hours? Are they on time for their due date?  Once they get here, we're told to monitor their height and weight percentile, count how many teeth they’ve lost, list the words that they know. How do they compare to the norm? From academic milestones to physical changes to social interactions, we are constantly...

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Celebrating a Decade of the AFM Blog: A Journey of Words and Fencing

Celebrating a Decade of the AFM Blog: A Journey of Words and Fencing

It's hard to believe that exactly ten years ago, on this very day, we embarked on the journey of creating the AFM Blog. Back then, we had little more than a vague idea of what it would become. It felt like stepping into the unknown, with only the first step known to us, while the direction and duration remained shrouded in mystery. But, oh, the lessons we've learned along the way! Writing the blog for ten years is hard. It's impossible to understand the determination that would be required...

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Can Fencing Be Used for Self-Defense?

Can Fencing Be Used for Self-Defense?

I recently came across an inspiring news story about self-defense that underscores the remarkable skills and courage honed by a former Italian National Fencing Team coach, Attilio Fini, who is now 93 years old. Just a month ago, he found himself in a perilous situation that required quick thinking and action. As he was returning home one evening in Milan's Piazza De Agostini, Fini noticed a shadow drawing too close for comfort. He soon realized that the approaching figure was pointing a gun...

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Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Insights from Rafa and Fencing

Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Insights from Rafa and Fencing

Recently, I immersed myself in the pages of Rafael Nadal's captivating memoir, "Rafa," where one of the all-time greatest tennis players invites readers into the inner workings of his journey to the pinnacle of the sport. It's a literary gem that offers profound insights into the mindset and determination required to achieve greatness in any field. In this post, I want to delve deeper into a particular passage from Nadal's book, a passage that holds universal significance: "During a match, you...

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How to Transition Kids from Other Sports to Fencing

How to Transition Kids from Other Sports to Fencing

Most kids start sports somewhere like tiny soccer leagues or toddler gymnastics classes, but most of them start learning to work with teammates and play right on the playground. They naturally transition from one activity to another, but all too often we see kids and parents get stuck in the idea that one sport is the be-all-end-all, and not in a positive way.  Let’s talk through a scenario: Your recently turned eleven-year-old child has been really into soccer for the last four years. They...

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A Call for Change: Re-running for USA Fencing Board of Directors

A Call for Change: Re-running for USA Fencing Board of Directors

Time For Change Representing At Present And Presently In the world of fencing, a strong, visionary leadership at the helm is vital to the sport's growth and development. Last year, I ran for the USFA Board of Directors, and while I did not secure a seat, my conviction to make a difference has only grown stronger. I firmly believe that now, more than ever, the board needs individuals deeply entrenched in the fencing world—people who understand the diverse perspectives of coaches, clubs,...

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New Year, New Goals – The Whole Fencer Blueprint for 2024

New Year, New Goals – The Whole Fencer Blueprint for 2024

Every year, we start off in January setting goals that will hopefully carry us through the next year and help us level up to where we want to be. Of course, you’re going to change over the course of a year no matter what you do, but at the start of every year we have this feeling that we should somehow control the direction of our changes in a year.  We talk about goals a lot on this blog, and we do it because they’re important. You have to have an idea of where you’re going to figure out...

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Exciting News: Join Me in the “Parents’ Corner” at American Fencer!

Exciting News: Join Me in the “Parents’ Corner” at American Fencer!

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you in the fencing community. Recently, I received a wonderful invitation to become a regular columnist at "American Fencer," the online reincarnation of the renowned "American Fencing" magazine. American Fencer now offers more in-depth stories, allowing us to explore a wider range of fencing-related topics. It's truly an honor to be a part of this prestigious platform, and I'm looking forward to contributing valuable insights on fencing...

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Fencing, Music, and the Divide Between Enrichment and Competition

Fencing, Music, and the Divide Between Enrichment and Competition

There’s a great misunderstanding about what fencing does for kids and where it should fall in their lives, both now and in the future. Not so much within the fencing community, but definitely with people who are looking at it from the outside.  With other activities, like music, for example, it’s perfectly acceptable for a child just to do the activity, and it is understood that simple enrichment is worthwhile. It doesn’t matter if they will become the best violinist or pianist who plays in...

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Mastering Patience in Fencing

Mastering Patience in Fencing

As a fencer, you're no stranger to the challenges and rewards of this exhilarating sport. However, there's a universal truth that resonates deeply with fencers: it's the importance of mastering patience in our journey toward success. In competitive fencing, everything often takes longer than we anticipate. We set our sights on achieving specific skills or rankings, winning that national medal, or getting recruited to a top college, and often we envision a swift ascent to success. But reality...

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USA Fencing Points – USA Fencing 101 Series

USA Fencing Points – USA Fencing 101 Series

As USA Fencing recently published on their USA Fencing 101 social media post, the organization maintains a comprehensive points system, encompassing various categories and divisions, that play a pivotal role in the competitive landscape of the sport. Understanding these points systems is essential for fencers and their families, as they provide a roadmap for participation, qualification, and recognition within the fencing community. In this installment of our "USA Fencing 101" series, we will...

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The Road to Confidence in Fencing: Why You Need Competition Experience

The Road to Confidence in Fencing: Why You Need Competition Experience

I recently had a discussion with a concerned parent who made the decision not to sign up her daughter for a fencing competition. Her reasoning was that in her last tournament, her daughter had only won three bouts in the pools and lost her first Direct Elimination (DE) bout. To her, it seemed evident that her daughter's level of experience was insufficient, and she planned to wait until her daughter's win rate improved. I explained to her that this situation is akin to a classic...

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How Youth Fencing Can Help Kids Forge Deep and Meaningful Friendships

How Youth Fencing Can Help Kids Forge Deep and Meaningful Friendships

What are the things that make life really rich and meaningful? When you think about your own childhood, you probably don’t remember the things you did so much as the people you did them with. Your best friend who sat next to you in math class and made you laugh every day, or the kid on the playground who you lobbed pinecones at during recess, and all other meaningful friendships you had back then.  Though we put a lot of emphasis on what it means to be a great fencer, where kids end up getting...

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Nurturing Growth: The Right Mix of Expectations in Fencings

Nurturing Growth: The Right Mix of Expectations in Fencings

So, we're in the fencing game, cheering for our kids, dreaming of those podium moments, national team nods, and maybe even a scholarship. Let's be honest; fencing is no cheap sport, and our time investment is off the charts. We're in it for the victories, both big and small, because seeing our kids succeed is the ultimate payday for our efforts. But here's the twist—amidst the medal dreams and ranking goals, we might be missing the forest for the trees. The focus on external validation...

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Igor’s Debut Thriller

The Rise of American Fencing

AFM Named #1 Fencing Blog in the World!



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