
Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Art of Fencing, Art of Life

Your Coach Might Be Wrong – But It’s Your Responsibility

Your Coach Might Be Wrong – But It’s Your Responsibility

In a recent scenario at the November NAC in Fort Worth, a fencer faced a challenging bout, losing to an opponent who seemed, at least on par in skill. When asked about the opponent's scoring actions, the reply was, "in attack." Further inquiry revealed that the fencer, following the coach's directive, repeatedly employed the same unsuccessful defense action. The fencer justified this persistence, stating, "because I know the action was correct, and the coach told me to do it, but I just didn’t...

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Junior Olympics (JO’s) – The Last Stretch to Qualify

Junior Olympics (JO’s) – The Last Stretch to Qualify

In just three months, the fencing community will gather for the highly anticipated Junior Olympics (JO’s) during the Presidents' Weekend in Charlotte, NC (2/16-19/2024). Beyond being the pinnacle of Cadet and Juniors National Championships, JO's serve as the ultimate proving ground for athletes vying to secure their place in the national teams bound for the 2024 Cadet and Junior Fencing World Championships. A lot of parents and fencers, especially those who are new to the JO's, such as those...

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Embrace Your Club Jacket: A Powerful Symbol of Community

Embrace Your Club Jacket: A Powerful Symbol of Community

You might think that discussing the significance of a club jacket is rather mundane. After all, it's just a piece of clothing, right? Well, it seems that some things need reiteration, and this is one of them. How often have you witnessed fencers at tournaments who, after securing a medal, frantically scurry around in search of their club jacket? It's a scenario that plays out time and time again, in almost every tournament across the country. I've seen it happen countless times. Typically,...

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How to Encourage the Youngest Y8 Fencers When They Struggle

How to Encourage the Youngest Y8 Fencers When They Struggle

Fencing can begin as young as seven or even six years old, and we want to encourage those littlest fencers to get the most out of the sport. Any parent will tell you that elementary school-aged kids have very different needs than middle school or high school-aged kids. Often, fencing is focused on those older youths in the sport, but as kids sign up for fencing at younger ages and the Y8 fencing category becomes more popular and now an official event in regional competitions, it's increasingly...

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Perpetual Goal

Perpetual Goal

I've spent countless hours pondering the concept of setting and achieving goals, both in fencing and life in general. I've had conversations with fencers, parents, coaches, and enthusiasts about their aspirations. I've written about goal setting quite a lot on this blog. Yet, I've often found myself less than content with the goals people set. Some are too short-term, others overly ambitious, and some seem driven by the wrong motives. In one memorable discussion with a young fencer I recently...

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How Fencers Can Combat Fuzzy Focus During Bouts

How Fencers Can Combat Fuzzy Focus During Bouts

Ever had those moments when you just can’t focus? Your brain becomes fuzzy and you can’t quite concentrate on what you’re doing, leaving you frustrated and unable to do the things you want to do in the ways that you want to do them.  Fencing is a sport that demands split-second decisions and precise movements, and these can be greatly affected by your mental state. There are times when your focus might feel a bit fuzzy, your reactions seem sluggish, and your performance suffers because of...

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Fencing vs. Other Combat Sports – Which One is Right for You?

Fencing vs. Other Combat Sports – Which One is Right for You?

Though we as a society, in general, have moved away from coming to blows to solve our interpersonal problems the way that people used to duel in the old days, combat sports are more popular than ever.  Combat sports have actually captivated people throughout history, giving us the chance to channel our physicality, to expand our strategic thinking, and to grow our competitive spirit. Kids and adults alike find themselves drawn to the world of combat sports, in no small part because we see them...

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Defying Boundaries: The Journey of Olympic Fencers

Defying Boundaries: The Journey of Olympic Fencers

In a world where sports transcend borders, sometimes athletes make decisions that go beyond medals and championships. Today, we bring you an inspiring story of courage, conviction, and unity on the fencing piste. Meet Konstantin Lokhanov, a sabre fencer now training at the La Jolla Fencing Academy in San Diego, and Sergey and Violetta Bida, who have found their new home here with us, at the Academy of Fencing Masters. These remarkable athletes have taken a stand against the Russian war in...

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How Fencing Helps Adolescents Even Out

How Fencing Helps Adolescents Even Out

Adolescence is a challenging time for lots of reasons. It marks the transition from being a kid to being an adult, but those intervening years are anything but easy on pre-teens and teenagers. Fencing can really help young people navigate this often unbalanced time. Parents are, quite justifiably, always on the lookout for ways to support their tweens and teens. We want what’s best for them so that they can grow into the amazing adults that we know they will be! Finding outlets like fencing...

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12 Ways You Can Improve Your Fencing Skills Right Now

12 Ways You Can Improve Your Fencing Skills Right Now

There are no quick fixes in life, and mastering fencing takes a lifetime. However, there are absolutely things that you can do right now to improve your fencing, and they aren’t all that difficult nor do they all take that long.  Here are a dozen quick ways that you can help you change your routine right away and let you look at your fencing a bit differently, and by that, they can help improve your fencing skills starting right now.  1. Try the opposite day Shake up your bouting! If you...

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Why Kids Should Try Lots of Activities (Including Fencing!)

Why Kids Should Try Lots of Activities (Including Fencing!)

One thing that parents are always looking for is new things for their kids to participate in. We want our kids to have the opportunity to learn new things, even as we want them to find that perfect activity and focus on it so they can excel.  Keeping their bodies and minds busy through youth sports, clubs, the arts, and more helps kids to grow up strong and it fosters an expanded worldview.  1. More activities is a good thing There is no other time quite like childhood, with its wide-open...

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How Hard Should Parents and Coaches Push Young Fencers?

How Hard Should Parents and Coaches Push Young Fencers?

As parents, we want our kids to be successful. It’s our job to make sure that kids have all the tools they need to reach their full potential and to be as fulfilled as they can be. That goes for fencing, but it also goes for school and other activities.  There’s a fine line between pushing a child hard enough that they can reach that potential and pushing them past it. It’s not always easy to tell the difference, but parents can improve their odds by understanding how kids develop and what...

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42 Fascinating Fencing Facts Every Fencer Should Know

42 Fascinating Fencing Facts Every Fencer Should Know

We all know that fencing is a cool sport, but how up to date are you on the outlying, and honestly super weird facts of fencing?  To help you expand your horizons in fencing, we’ve put together forty-two fascinating and (sometimes) obscure facts about fencing.  Fencing is one of the five sports that have been featured in every modern Olympic Games since their inception in 1896. The other four were Track and Field, Gymnastics, Swimming, and Cycling. The term "en garde" in fencing...

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Why Fencing Should be Your Child’s Next Sport: Benefits and Advantages

Why Fencing Should be Your Child’s Next Sport: Benefits and Advantages

When you’re looking for a sport for your child to try, you’re competing against a host of rivals for your child’s attention. Trying to find something that is mentally engaging, physically active, goal driven, and also fun and offers a positive culture is a challenge.  Steeped in tradition and full of excitement, fencing offers a unique experience that sets it apart from other youth sports. It’s a great place for kids to start exploring themselves and building confidence. Let’s explore some of...

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Celebrating a Decade of Growth & Excellence at AFM!

Celebrating a Decade of Growth & Excellence at AFM!

Ten years ago today if you’d told Irina and I where we’d be today, there’s no way we would have believed you. With our two sets of twin kids, all in elementary school, in tow, we opened the doors of the Academy of Fencing Masters with our coaches Natasha and Alexander Maximovich. Since those early days of just a handful of students working together in a small space, we have grown by leaps and bounds, watching our own children grow up and hundreds of fencers come through the doors.  We came...

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Igor’s Debut Thriller

The Rise of American Fencing

AFM Named #1 Fencing Blog in the World!



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