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Why Fencing Should be Your Child’s Next Sport: Benefits and Advantages

by | Aug 29, 2023 | For Parents | 0 comments

Why Fencing Should be Your Child’s Next Sport: Benefits and Advantages

When you’re looking for a sport for your child to try, you’re competing against a host of rivals for your child’s attention. Trying to find something that is mentally engaging, physically active, goal driven, and also fun and offers a positive culture is a challenge. 

Steeped in tradition and full of excitement, fencing offers a unique experience that sets it apart from other youth sports. It’s a great place for kids to start exploring themselves and building confidence.

Let’s explore some of the benefits and advantages of enrolling your child in fencing ths year.

1. Building physical and mental fitness through fencing

Fencing engages both the body and mind. As fencers participate in intense bouts on the piste, they enhance their cardiovascular endurance, speed, agility, and coordination. Footwork drills, lunges, and quick changes in direction are integral to the sport, leading to improved balance and flexibility.

Moreover, fencing is a mentally stimulating activity. It requires split-second decision-making, anticipation of your opponent’s moves, and the ability to strategize on the fly. Fencers learn to think critically, analyze situations, and develop tactical approaches to outmaneuver their opponents. This mental challenge helps sharpen focus, enhances problem-solving skills, and boosts cognitive abilities.

For kids, this kind of whole-body and whole-mind engagement supports their development in incredible ways. Young fencers enjoy being in a place that pushes them and keeps them growing. It’s also important to note that fencing is a great way for kids to get immersed in something that’s positive and not screen-oriented. 

2. Fencing teaches discipline and sportsmanship:

Fencing instills a strong sense of discipline and respect. Within the fencing community, adherence to rules, fairness, and sportsmanship are highly valued. Fencers learn the importance of abiding by regulations, displaying good conduct, and gracefully accepting both victory and defeat. The discipline cultivated in fencing extends beyond the sport, positively impacting various aspects of life, such as academics, work, and relationships.

Though fencers are fighting tooth and nail against their opponents on the strip, there’s a constant sense of sportsmanship. Fencing injuries are rare and usually look more like tennis elbow or sprained ankles. That’s largely because everyone participating keenly supports safety measures and the need to protect their opponents. This kind of sportsmanship is wonderful for kids to learn. 

3. Social interaction and community through sport fencing

Joining a fencing club opens doors to a vibrant and welcoming community. Fencers of all ages and backgrounds come together, forging friendships and shared experiences. 

Unlike many other kinds of youth sports, fencing has a cross-age foundation that allows children to interact with older kids, younger kids, and adults. Though we age-segregate kids in school, once they cross out into the real world, they’ll need to know how to interact with people across ages and backgrounds. Fencing helps to build confidence in working with others who are not the same age as your child. 

The fencing community fosters camaraderie and support, with fellow fencers and coaches offering encouragement, guidance, and mentorship. Through club activities, tournaments, and team events, fencers build lifelong connections with like-minded individuals who share a passion for the sport.

Should your child decide to participate in fencing competitions, they’ll find connections with people outside of their club. We often see kids forging friendships with opponents and people from far off clubs when they meet in competition. 

4. Character development for kids in fencing

Fencing cultivates essential life skills and qualities that extend far beyond the confines of the fencing strip. The sport teaches perseverance, resilience, and the ability to handle pressure. Though the sport is fundamentally safe, it really builds confidence in a kid when you hand them a sword. You as their parent and the other adults in the club are trusting them with a weapon. It might be a blunt, not really dangerous weapon, but it’s still exciting and builds self-confidence.

Fencers also develop mental fortitude, learning to overcome setbacks and adapt to ever-changing situations. The pursuit of mastery in fencing encourages goal-setting, self-discipline, and self-motivation, traits that carry over into all aspects of life. We watch this all the time in our club, as kids mature and become better through the self development aspects of fencing. 

5. Fencing teaches transferable skills

As we said before, the skills children pick up in fencing have far-reaching benefits. 

The agility, quick reflexes, and hand-eye coordination honed in fencing can improve performance in other sports. Children who lack confidence and are not sparked by other sports will often find a home in fencing that’s more comforting and less stressful. Often, kids who struggle in other sports find a home in fencing that’s both highly physical and highly intellectual. Learning to balance these two things can help to foster a lifelong love of movement, which might manifest in any number of other sports activities when they’re older. 

Fencers also often find that their improved focus and decision-making abilities positively impact academic or professional pursuits. The discipline and work ethic developed through fencing translate to success in various domains, instilling a sense of confidence and drive. Because fencing pushes kids to pull all their focus into one place in a setting that’s intense and high action, they can more easily turn that feeling back on in other areas. Getting into a flow in fencing leads to the ability to get into the flow in school and even creative ventures. 

Kids experience overall growth in self confidence and maturity through fencing. Those are definite transferable skills that they can use not just now, but throughout their entire lives. 

6. Cultural and historical richness of fencing

Fencing is steeped in history and tradition, providing a sense of connection to a time-honored past. Part of what makes fencing so exciting is that it’s such a big part of Western culture. Everything from Star Wars to Shakespeare has elements of dueling with swords, and nothing makes those fantasies more real than participating in it firsthand. 

Embracing the art of swordplay allows kids to delve into the world of duels and honor. They can imagine themselves as great athletes at the Olympics or as great defenders during the Crusades. The cultural significance of fencing is baked into kids. They see it in movies and on TV, they read about it in books. If you put a group of kids in the backyard with sticks, inevitably they’ll pick them up and start pretending to swordfight. 

It’s not just intrinsic, though. Kid fencers have the opportunity to learn about different fencing techniques, historical figures, and the evolution of the sport. Fencing transcends mere athleticism, providing a glimpse into the tapestry of human civilization.

7. A long future in the fencing

One of the great things about fencing is that it’s not just something a kid can do while they’re young. There are very few sports that have rich adult versions the way that fencing does. 

Think about it – aside from the sudden rise of enthusiasm for pickleball in the last few years, do you usually see adults who are super passionate about doing a sport? If you step into a fencing club, you likely will see just that. Because of the structure and nature of fencing, adult fencers find a home within our sport just the way kids do. 

This is great for parents because it means your child will be able to carry this with them for a lifetime. Veteran fencing for adults offers national and international level competitions that keep challenging fencers at every age. The categories are such that fencers all the way into their eighties and even nineties have a place to push themselves physically and mentally in a safe way. 

Prior to adulthood, college fencing programs are an excellent place for your child to find community when they leave home. Collegiate fencing clubs are both intramural and competitive, and both offer great advantages for kids. College fencing is of course known for its scholarship and admissions opportunities, and that’s a great path for kids to get on. 

All around, fencing is a sport that can follow your child into the future. 

Trying something new is great for kids

With its unique blend of physicality, strategy, and tradition, fencing offers a world of benefits and advantages. From the development of physical and mental fitness to the fostering of discipline, sportsmanship, and camaraderie, fencing provides an enriching experience for participants of all ages. The transferable skills gained in fencing extend far beyond the sport, impacting all facets of life.

So, why should fencing be your child’s next sport? It promises personal growth, a vibrant community, and the thrill of engaging in an artful and competitive activity. There are great opportunities for kids to continue in fencing long after their childhood, through college and beyond. 

Find your local fencing club, take your child to watch a class, and then watch them step onto the strip and embark on an exciting journey that will shape their mind, body, and character in positive ways. Take some time to look through our blog to find the answers to any other question you may have, and of course ask the people at your local fencing club if you have any questions.

Kids who discover the allure of fencing and embrace the art of dueling with a weapon in hand are stepping onto a positive path!


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