
Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Art of Fencing, Art of Life

Breaking Free from Your Favorite Weapon

Breaking Free from Your Favorite Weapon

Imagine being in the midst of a heated bout, your attention laser-focused on the action when suddenly, your weapon shatters. In that split second, a flood of thoughts rushes in, including the lament, "Oh no! It was my favorite weapon!" I recall a young fencer who once broke his weapon mid-competition, exclaiming, "It was my favorite one!" When asked what made it special, he admitted, "I fleche well with it." With a smile, I handed him a different weapon, emphasizing its strengths in parries....

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Coaches to Have a Voice in National Event Scheduling – A Big Win!

Coaches to Have a Voice in National Event Scheduling – A Big Win!

We're thrilled to share an important update regarding the national event scheduling process. After months of efforts, we've achieved a significant milestone – coaches will now have representation in the event scheduling group! It all started at the end of February 2024 when we launched a petition on to address the longstanding issues with the national event schedule. The petition quickly gained traction, with about 500 people signing it and many more reaching out to express their...

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A Resident Guide to the Greater Columbus, Ohio

A Resident Guide to the Greater Columbus, Ohio

When Christine, mom of our fencer Tessa, learned that the 2024 Fencing Summer Nationals would take place in Columbus, she shared the news with her friend who resides in the area. Excited to help Christine and her family make the most of their time in Columbus, her friend generously crafted a detailed guide to local attractions and activities within a 1-2 hour driving distance. Recognizing the value of this insider knowledge, Christine wondered if it could be shared with the broader fencing...

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Why Your New Rating Isn’t Updated in USA Fencing Yet?

Why Your New Rating Isn’t Updated in USA Fencing Yet?

You’re at a fencing competition and you’ve had an amazing day. After training really hard, you are just sweeping the floor with your opponents, gliding through the pools and blasting your way through the DE. It’s been an incredible day, and you’re so excited about the progress you’ve made.  Did you earn a new rating? Yes?! You did! That’s amazing. As soon as you get home, you pull out your computer and log onto USA Fencing’s website to excitedly see your new rating there in black and white....

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How to Make Double-Flighted Events Work for You

How to Make Double-Flighted Events Work for You

Solar Eclipse Update (April 8)— There appears to be considerable excitement and inquiries made to USA Fencing regarding implementing the double-flighted events policy. Please note that changes announced on April 1st were part of our annual tradition of playing with your mind on this day. Apparently, this worked 🙂 If you've recently participated in any national-level tournaments this season, you've probably observed a notable trend: the rise of double-flighted events. Typically, the Bout...

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Essential Tips for Adult and Senior Fencers Starting Their Fencing Journey

Essential Tips for Adult and Senior Fencers Starting Their Fencing Journey

Starting fencing as an adult or even as a senior citizen opens up a world of possibilities, but it also comes with its own set of considerations. While this blog primarily focuses on youth fencing and parenting topics, recent requests from adult and senior fencers have prompted us to delve into their specific needs. Fencing is not a hobby you can master overnight: it's a lifelong journey. Unlike some other activities, you can't become a proficient fencer in a short period of time. While it's...

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Remembering Alexei Sintchinov: A Gentleman of Profound Impact

Remembering Alexei Sintchinov: A Gentleman of Profound Impact

The life cycle on this planet follows its inevitable course, and we inevitably bid farewell to friends as they depart from this world. Yet, some leave behind a profound impact—a legacy of kindness, mentorship, and gentle guidance. When such individuals depart, they leave a void in our hearts, and disbelief clouds our minds. For me, Alexei Sintchinov was one such person. Every competition brought an opportunity for us to meet and engage in lengthy conversations. His words were always filled...

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Silencing the Sidelines:  Navigating Parental Involvement in Strip Coaching

Silencing the Sidelines: Navigating Parental Involvement in Strip Coaching

In a competition in Washington DC, I witnessed a situation that immediately prompted me to write a post about it. Unfortunately, this is all too common in our sport, and I've never seen a competition without it. However, this time, the girl put it so eloquently in her response that I felt compelled to write about it. It was a tense moment during a fencing match. A young athlete, let's call her Sarah, found herself locked in a fierce Direct Elimination bout. As she faced her opponent, her coach...

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Celebrating Women’s Impact in Fencing

Celebrating Women’s Impact in Fencing

In the ongoing dialogue surrounding the evolving role of women in society, one domain where their influence shines brightly and undeniably profound is the world of fencing. Once viewed through the lens of male dominance, fencing has undergone a remarkable transformation, with women asserting their presence and prowess alongside men. Visit any local fencing club and any fencing competition at local, regional, national, and international levels, and you'll witness a vibrant community where women...

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The Power of a Smile: Lessons from Jacqueline Du Pre for Fencers

The Power of a Smile: Lessons from Jacqueline Du Pre for Fencers

Recently, I stumbled upon a story about Jacqueline Du Pre that struck a chord deep within me. It encapsulated everything I aspire to instill in my fencers—a passion for the sport that transcends mere competition and embraces the sheer joy of participation. Du Pre was undeniably one of the most accomplished cellists in the world, driven by a profound love for music that ignited her passion from a young age. Her relentless dedication led her to countless hours of practice, each session filled...

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Petition to Fix the Summer Nationals Schedule

Petition to Fix the Summer Nationals Schedule

Dear Fencing Community, I've just launched a petition that speaks to the hearts of fencers, parents, coaches, and clubs across the nation. This petition is a rallying cry for an immediate revision of the Summer Nationals schedule, and here's why it's so crucial. The scheduling of national-level competitions has become riddled with issues that demand urgent attention. Take, for example, the April NAC in Men’s Epee, where the Senior Team event overlaps with Junior Men’s Epee. This year, we see a...

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Confidence in Fencing

Confidence in Fencing

Confidence in fencing is like that elusive goalpost in a game you're always chasing after but never quite reach. It's the magic ingredient that transforms a good fencer into a great one. You've probably heard fencing coaches shouting it from the sidelines like a mantra: "Confidence! Be confident!" But what exactly does it mean? And how do you actually get it? Let me share a recent conversation I had with some of my fencers. They were disheartened after being eliminated from their competition...

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Victory, Change, and Paris 2024 with Grand Prix Champion Yuval Freilich

Victory, Change, and Paris 2024 with Grand Prix Champion Yuval Freilich

Almost four years ago, we interviewed rising star in epee Yuval Freilich, who at the time had just won his first Gold medal at the European Championships. At the time, we wrote that it would not be the last time you would hear from him, and that we predicted he would be a force in the world of epee over the next several years. Flash forward to Doha, Qatar, earlier this month and the 2024 Grand Prix and Yuval once again took the top of the podium. This Gold medal finish takes him one step...

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The Measuring Mentality – How Constant Calculations Hurt Youth Fencers

The Measuring Mentality – How Constant Calculations Hurt Youth Fencers

Before kids are even born, we’re bombarded with the idea that everything has to be measured. How long is the baby during each sonogram? How many times did they kick in the last 24 hours? Are they on time for their due date?  Once they get here, we're told to monitor their height and weight percentile, count how many teeth they’ve lost, list the words that they know. How do they compare to the norm? From academic milestones to physical changes to social interactions, we are constantly...

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Celebrating a Decade of the AFM Blog: A Journey of Words and Fencing

Celebrating a Decade of the AFM Blog: A Journey of Words and Fencing

It's hard to believe that exactly ten years ago, on this very day, we embarked on the journey of creating the AFM Blog. Back then, we had little more than a vague idea of what it would become. It felt like stepping into the unknown, with only the first step known to us, while the direction and duration remained shrouded in mystery. But, oh, the lessons we've learned along the way! Writing the blog for ten years is hard. It's impossible to understand the determination that would be required...

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Igor’s Debut Thriller

The Rise of American Fencing

AFM Named #1 Fencing Blog in the World!



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